Enhance your career and business operations with the Wheel of Work

One of the most adaptable coaching tools is the Wheel, which can be used in a myriad of ways. Here’s how to put it to good use in an office environment.

A little while back I posted about a helpful tool I share with coachees called the Wheel of Life.

It's free and anyone can use it so it was lovely to get lots of positive feedback, a few DMs on this and potentially even a new client. That's good ROI!

Anyway, one of the reasons I love this tool is its adaptability. You can literally design it to suit you, in every aspect of your life.

Using it in the office

While last time we took a peek from a life perspective, considering (as suggestions) things like health, romance, work and physical environment, the same approach can be applied to work.

You literally just swap out the headings to suit you in your given workplace, based on the things you think potentially need attention. You can do this alone, or even use it as a group exercise to stimulate thinking.

From the image I've shared, you'll see a Wheel that's been divided into eight sections again, this time titled Customer Service, Operations, Marketing, Training & Development, Strategic Planning, Profitability, Products & Services and Creativity & Innovation.

You can see how each title section could easily be switched.

Making it work for you

A membership body or charity could potentially want to change some of these for Membership, Volunteer Engagement, Fundraising, Policy and Planning - and so on and so forth.

As before, you mark each one out of ten and then consider three actions that could help nudge the score up.

The possibilities are endless. Have a go and let me know how you get on.

You can find out more about my coaching services here. Please do check out the testimonials, as they tell the story more than anything.


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