The IoD Chartered Director Conference 2024: An insightful look at productivity and innovation

As IoD North East (North) chair I had the privilege of hosting the flagship Chartered Director Conference at Nissan in Sunderland. Here’s my welcome speech and round up for delegates

I’m Sarah Waddington and I’m the chair of IoD North East (North). Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy diaries to come today.

It’s a real privilege to welcome you to the North East, which you’ll note has always been home from my accent! It’s a wonderful place to live, work and invest and you’ll see today why the region is again taking a rightful place as a leader of the industrial revolution, with one of the most skilled and agile workforces in the world.

I hope those of you who have travelled get a chance to see a little of the area, even if that’s just a walk around Newcastle Quayside to take in the view of the bridges if you’re staying for our summer social from 7pm at Malmaison tonight.


Better directors for a better world

As Chartered Directors or those on the path to becoming Chartered, I know how committed you are to professional development. Certainly for me personally, the certificate, diploma and Chartered interview journey has been one of the most impactful pieces of learning I have ever done. I put into practice what I learned every single day in my job as non-executive director.

As the IoD says, better directors build a better world and that starts with us as individuals within our own organisations. Today is a brilliant learning opportunity built around innovation, productivity and wellbeing and I’m confident you will leave with fresh skills and tools, plus a raft of new contacts.

Roisin opened the event perfectly but I’d like to add my thanks to all those involved with this event, starting with Nissan for hosting as it really is a coup to get onsite access and to see its advanced manufacturing production line.

Thank you also to our wonderful speakers from Innovate UK, The Mindset Development Group and Good Business Charter for their time, energy and expertise today.

Finally, a huge thank you to Polly, Roisin, Jon – who is speaking later - and all the IoD team for organising this event, which is fast becoming a key part of the annual event calendar.

Perks and dates for the diary

A little bit of sales and housekeeping while I have your attention.

Please do continue to make the most of your membership by using the perks that come with your subs.

That includes access to free online development courses and the Information and Advisory Service. If you’d like to better understand what’s available to you, there is a ‘Maximise your membership’ online event taking place from 12pm - 1pm on 3rd July. These run regularly so don’t worry if you can’t make that particular date.

If you’re keen to ensure your voice is heard at the highest levels in Government, please continue to complete the IoD’s Policy Voice survey. The IoD has just launched a consultation on a Code of Conduct for Directors so please do have your say on that too. I’m sure you’ll agree how critical a piece of work it is and it’s wonderful to see the IoD leading it.

Watch out in July for the launch of the much awaited peer-to-peer mentoring service for business leaders, which I know will be a popular resource once established.

In terms of dates for your diaries, as ever there are some good ones coming up, both online and in person and you can find all these listed on the Events page of the IoD’s website.

Here in North East (North) territory, we have our summer social drinks tonight. On 25 July, we are joining up with Newcastle Business School at Northumbria University to highlight the support on offer for SMEs through its Business Clinic. This is a great way to secure free consultancy while helping the next generation of talent with their own studies and development.  If you’re local, please do pop that in your diary and sign up now.

Make the most of your day

All that is left for me to say now is thank you again for coming and make the most of your day.

If you’re wanting to know more about how to get involved with the IoD or how to progress on your Chartered journey, I’m always happy to chat – as I know many here today will be. You can grab me in person or catch me online via LinkedIn.

I’ll be posting this round up on my blog, which you can find at Enjoy the rest of the conference! 


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